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公司业务介绍:emsi is an international consulting firm with offices in washington, d.c., springfield, mo, beijing, and shanghai. we provide services in sustainable design, innovative financing and risk management, and technology transfer. our mission is to foster a global sustainable built environment through projects that are at once profitable and environmentally responsible. emsi’s clients are real estate developers, municipalities, school boards, and manufacturers of green building products. projects include office buildings, shopping malls, public buildings, and large residential and mixed-use communities. for more information please visit our website at www.emsi-green.com.<br><br> <br><br>emsi是一家国际性的咨询公司,在美国华盛顿、密苏里州的斯普林菲尔德、中国北京和上海设有办事机构。我们在可持续性设计,融资创新,风险管理和技术转让领域提供一系列的服务。我们的使命是通过能够立即创造利润,同时又对环境负责的项目,来培育全球性的可持续发展的建筑环境。emsi的客户是房地产开发商,市政当局,教育委员会和绿色建筑产品的制造商。项目包括办公楼,购物中心,公用建筑,大型的居住区和混合型社区。<br><br>如需更多的信息,请访问我们的网站www.emsi-green.com.